Rabu, 15 Mei 2019

review : Part of Speech

REVIEW : Part of Speech ( Adjectives )
A. Apply your knowledge of adjectives by identifying them in the following sentences.
1)      The teenager is a careful (cermat) driver when his mom is in the car.
2)      She was not confident (percaya diri) that she understood (dipahami) the subtle (halus) nuances of the novel.
3)      The dog slept quietly in the cozy (nyaman) closet until the mischievous (nakal) child pulled its tail.
4)      Only because of the strange (aneh) smell did she realize she had a dangerous (berbehaya) gas leak.
5)      The shoes were cute (imut) in the box but made (terbuat) her feet look large (besar) and swollen (bengkak).
6)      Molly thinks her name is more suitable (cocok) for dim-witted (tolol) cows and precocious (dewasa sebelum waktunya) dogs.
7)      The contrary baby was only happy (senang) when her adoring aunt left (kiri) the room.
8)      Although the paint appeared to be a glorious (mulia) pale (pucat) cream color in the can, it turned (berbalik) a noxious (berbahaya)  yellow (kuning)  once on the walls.
9)      The mechanic`s hands and face were greasy (berminyak)  and grimy (kotor)  when he appeared from behind the old (tua)  pink (merah muda)  Cadillac.
10)  Ant gone (pergi) brought (dibawa) her imprisoned (dipenjara) fiancee fresh-baked cookies every day.

B. Exercises
Match the suffix into the words

-able/ -al/ -ant/ -ent/ -ful/ -ible/ -ic/ -ical/ -ish/ -ive/ -less/ -ous/ -ular /-y.

·         Comfort +  able = Comfortable =  nyaman
·         Danger + ous    = Dangerous    = Berbahaya
·         Relief + able     = Reliefable    = lega  
·         Act  + ive          = Active          = aktif
·         Taste + less       = Tasteless      = hambar
·         Waste  + ful      = Wasteful       = boros
·         Terrify + ent     = Terrifyent     = mengerikan
·         Lyric + al          = Lyrical         = liris
·         Economy + ic   = Economic    = ekonomis
·         Child  + ish       = Childish      = kekanak-kanakan

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